Thursday, March 4, 2010

singo...this is it!

So ...this is a sample of Singo Bingo
Each class is given a sheet.
The sheet is slipped into a sheet protector.
Each class gets a dry-erase marker.
A song is called (like bingo)
the class marks the sheet protector
(which wipes off for multiple uses)
Then we sing the song.
Then, on it goes....
I do insist they sing
( and they sing enthusiastically)
After a couple of songs I start asking how close they are.
They ALL get so excited.
We play until time is up.
If a class gets "Singo-Bingo"
We acknowledge it...but keep playing.
Usually I have a treat for all my Great Singers
I wait at the door for dismissal and pass out their goodie.
Everyone WINS...
I start out with songs that are my favorites.
After we've learned a few more "program" songs...
I'll update my singo cards to the program songs.
Including 1st verses and 2nd verses and so forth with
a few activity songs thrown in.
That way it becomes a great review tool.
I'm not the most technical music leader
I do serve with HEART and SOUL!

Monday, March 1, 2010


we played Singo~Bingo!
It is a LOT of fun.
It can get a LITTLE chaotic!
The primary children (ages 3-11)
sang with gusto!
I love to hear their sweet voices singing.
I love to see their excitement.
I love to feel the Spirit!
I love being the Primary chorister!