Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ouch, I think I Cracked My BUM!

I know I haven't posted for a long time.
I just feel so boring most of the time.
What's going on? The same old same old.
Monday morning (my day off and nearly always laundry day)
As I head in to the garage to do the laundry
( Yes, I am jealous of everyone with indoor laundry)
(and remember I've lived here almost 15 years)
(and the garage door is the door I use ALWAYS, Who uses front doors? )
(oh, maybe all the people with indoor laundry!)
So, back to my story...
I'm carrying a basket of laundry
=like I've done 52 weeks a year for ALMOST 15 years=
And I step down the first step and as I step down the second step
I step wrong.
I'm not sure how, or what happened.
All I know is it's "slo-mo" time and I'm going
And down hard.
Smack on my tail bone.
My mom would call it a PRAT fall.
The basket popped out of my hands.
It was so sudden I couldn't even brace for the inevitable.
Bam...tail bone...ouch...
the force then knocked me backward,
Back hit the wall...thunk...
the force still forcing me,
I toppled over onto the CONCRETE floor...
And there I lay.
"I wonder if Diane (sleeping in her room upstairs) heard anything?"
" I wonder if I can move?"
"I know I'm not paralyzed because my bum is ACHING."
"I'm really glad NO ONE saw this."
"sometimes I can be sooo graceful."
"Am I old, how could this have happened?"
And with those thoughts I knew the shock was wearing off and I should
to move, maybe even get up.
And so GINGERLY I get up...
start the stinking laundry ...
walk in the house slowly...
Then cry like a little girl.
You know from the shock.

Now, don't be all worried.
I'm moving pretty well now,
just a little slow to sit or stand.

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